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Welcome to PHIERS (pronounced “fires”), where we ignite positive change. PHIER-powered Solutions address challenges affecting veterans, labor unions, and everyday Americans.  Our focus is on issues that resonate with the voting public, just in time to influence the upcoming election.



One of our primary goals is to challenge the influence of money in politics, with a focus on the “Most Powerful Lobby Groups“.  Join us as we strive for a CeasePHIER NOW!


Nonpartisan Solutions



Make Congress Listen



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The Black Messiah



A WISE Decision



Veterans First



Ant’s Lives that Matter… Matter!



A SMARTER Pandemic Response


For Poor and Working People



When All Else Fails…



A Viable and Timely Solution



Now Is Our Time



Let’s Fix What The Fed Broke



The Way Forward



A Prophetic Word



The Church Dad Built



Common Interests And Needs



Combat Climate Change With Local Jobs